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eBooks For Participating MOBIUS Libraries

Nearly all MOBIUS libraries chose to participate in this program, so your library is probably included. If you're not sure, check out the 2022还能用的梯子
- Assemblies of God Theological Seminary
- A.T. Still University
- Avila University
- Baptist Bible College
- Central Methodist University
- Christian County Library
- Columbia College
- Conception Abbey & Seminary College
- Concordia Seminary
- Cottey College
- Covenant Theological Seminary
- Crowder College
- Culver-Stockton College
- Drury University
- East Central College
- Evangel University
- Fontbonne University
- Goldfarb School of Nursing
- Hannibal-LaGrange University
- Harris-Stowe State University
- Jefferson College
- Kansas City Art Institute
- Kenrick-Glennon Seminary
- Lincoln University
- Lindenwood University
- Logan University
- Maryville University of St. Louis
- Metropolitan Community Colleges
- Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Mineral Area College
- Missouri Baptist University
- Missouri Southern State University
- Missouri State Library
- Missouri State University + MSU-West Plains
- Missouri Valley College
- Missouri Western State University
- Moberly Area Community College
- 付费shadowsock账号哪里买 - 马洪飞博客:2021-12-11 · 付费shadowsock账号哪里买? 这个问题很难回答,目前科学上网一半可众分为众下几种: ss ssr v2ray wireguard 1和2目前阻断比较严重,墙高了。。。 3的话目前直接tcp阻断严重,ws的话偶尔有阻断,ws + tls 目前还可众,暂时无阻断,待观察。
- North Central Missouri College
- Northwest Missouri State University
- Ozark Christian College
- Ozarks Technical Community College
- Park University
- Rockhurst University
- Saint Louis Art Museum
- Saint Louis University
- Saint Paul School of Theology
- Southeast Missouri State University
- 分享两个科学上网SS和SSR免费公益网站 – 明凯博客:2021-2-4 · 分享两个科学上网SS和SSR免费公益网站 2021年2月15日 MK Mac 11 阅读 21085次 作为程序员,有时候查找资料需要科学上网,有的同学会自搭ssr服务器作为梯子,但是维护成本,风险成本在那里,让很多同学望而却步,明凯很多年前就搭过,后来 ...
- St Charles Community College
- St Louis College of Pharmacy
- 如何使用梯子(手机版)? | 每日区块链:2021-2-3 · 1.访问梯子官网 2.下载对应的手机版 ,安装。点击链接,如果IKEV2不能用就用SS模式
- 简单两步--搭建自己的专属梯子 | 码农网:2 天前 · · 2021年6月16日 程序员老黄历,宜:锻炼一下身体,抽烟,申请加薪 · Dart 引入了 Null safety · Facebook "TransCoder AI"可在 Java、Python 和 C++ 之间转换伕码 · 2021年6月15日 程序员老黄历,宜:写单元测试,洗澡,抽烟,重构 · PHP 庆祝 25 周年,朝着 8.0 版本
- Stephens College
- Three Rivers Community College
- Truman State University
- [IOS]:免费梯子应用,纯美国低延迟推荐。 - 优创博客:2021-6-12 · 前言因为之前某些原因,所众启明星辰没有再开放。梯子目前需要用到的地方还是很多,不仅仅是可众去看墙外的世界。今天优哥给小伙伴伔分享一个免费的美区V-P-N。【来自优创小伙伴推荐】应用介绍来自美区的...
- University of Missouri - Kansas City
- University of Missouri - St Louis
- Washington University
- Westminster College
- William Jewell College
- William Woods University
- + eBook Academic Collection
This growing subscription package contains a large selection of multidisciplinary eBook titles representing a broad range of academic subject matter, and is a strong complement for any academic collection. The breadth of information available through this package ensures that users will have access to information relevant to their research needs.
More than 114,000 titles are included in this package - all titles are available with unlimited user access, and titles are added to the package each month at no additional cost.
Subject coverage includes:
- 酒囊饭袋大统领🅥: 还放了几个站在上面,外加一个ss梯子 ...:2021-6-15 · 还放了几个站在上面,外加一个ss梯子,几个关系好的朋友也在用 - 酒囊饭袋大统领🅥 说在 社群 Shadowrocket 在 2021年6月15日星期一下午12点36分
- Business & Economics
- Education
- Language Arts & Discipline
- Literary Criticism
- Medical
- ssr管理系统ss-panel搭建方法 – 聚析的博客:2021-5-22 · 本站提供的内容仅用于个人学习、研究或欣赏。我伔不保证内容的正确性。通过使用本站内容随之而来的风险与本站无关 访问者可将本网站提供的内容或服务用于个人学习、研究或欣赏,众及其他非商业性或非盈利性用途,但同时应遵守著作权法及其他相关法律的规定。
- 老高推荐的VPS - 老高的技术博客:2021-6-1 · 自从搬瓦工支持了支付宝后,具有高性价比的VPS严重脱销,再想找到类似不错的VPS可真是难上加难,不过不要紧,老高也搜集整理了一些其他的VPS,在此页整理分享给大家,另外大家可众移步福利分类列表,...
- Poetry
- 临时邮箱配合Chrome插件无限使用梯子 - 菊部制造:2021-3-1 · 临时邮箱配合Chrome 浏览器插件达成无限科学上网 梯子基本上是刚需现在,最近在入门 Python,看教程搜教程使用 Google 比较频繁,自己虽然有 Vultr 搭的梯子,但是最近好像 DNS 出了点问题,要换成1.1.1.1速度才能稍快些,为什么这里不敢深究 ...
- Religion
- Social Science
- Technology & Engineering
- And many others...
- + eBook Community College Collection
Focused on the academic and trade information needs of community colleges, this multidisciplinary collection contains more than 48,000 titles, covering topics across programs and fields of study in key subject areas such as the Humanities and Social Sciences, Business, Science & Technology, and Literary Criticism.
The complexity of the information available in this collection varies from introductory/basic content to higher-level content, providing students with a range of information to meet their needs as they develop in their area(s) of study. Overall, the collection contains over 4,000 vocational education titles and over 10,000 front list titles.
- + eBook Clinical Collection
Designed for use in clinical settings, biomedical libraries and academic-medical institutions, this subscription collection features over 1,700 hand-selected, quality titles that focus on medical specialties, nursing, allied health and general practice areas.
Through the eBook Clinical Collection, users have access to the most current content; all titles in the collection are from 2008 and forward (with a significant majority of titles from 2010 and later), and newer titles replace older content as updates are made so that users always have access to the latest information. Notable titles in the collection include:
- Translation of Evidence into Nursing and Health Care Practice (Springer Publishing)
- Adolescent Medicine (De Gruyter)
- Instructional Course Lectures: Orthopedic Surgery (American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons)
- Radiation Medicine Rounds (Demos Medical Publishing)
- Vascular and Endovascular Surgery Highlights 2011 (Health Press Limited)
- An Introduction to the Physiology of Hearing (Emerald)
- Nursing Older Adults (Open International Publishing Limited)
- Clinical Topics in Personality Disorder (Royal College of Psychiatrists)
Additional publishers highlighted in this package include Wiley, Clinical Publishing Oxford, Sage Publications, World Scientific Publishing Company, Landes Bioscience, People's Medical Publishing House USA, Demos Medical Publishing, American Academy of Oral Medicine and many others.
- + eBook Education Collection
This collection features nearly 3,000 quality titles supporting students and faculty in the Education discipline. Titles range from introductory texts for undergraduate coursework to more complex and detailed works for advanced students and scholars. Also included are support materials for student teachers and professionals working in K-12 and higher ed classrooms, covering topics from curriculum building to student behavior and dynamics.
- + eBook Public Library Collection
分享两个科学上网SS和SSR免费公益网站 – 明凯博客:2021-2-4 · 分享两个科学上网SS和SSR免费公益网站 2021年2月15日 MK Mac 11 阅读 21085次 作为程序员,有时候查找资料需要科学上网,有的同学会自搭ssr服务器作为梯子,但是维护成本,风险成本在那里,让很多同学望而却步,明凯很多年前就搭过,后来 ...
- 浅谈VPN、SS和SSR的区别-筑爱网:2021-5-23 · SS和SSR两者原理相同,都是基于socks5伕理。 客户端与服务端没有建立专有通道,客户端和实际要访问的服务端之间通过伕理服务器进行通信,客户端发送请求和接受服务端返回的数据都要通过 …
- 谷歌挂梯子是什么意思:2021-5-8 · 梯子,日常生活用具,该工具由两根长粗杆子做边,中间横穿适合攀爬的横杆,用于爬高,梯子分为升降单梯和升降人字梯。除此之外梯子还是网络用语,一般的人不知道是什么意思。其实就是一个看外面世界的好用的工具。它在我伔平时网络冲浪生活中随处可见也是常用到的工具,是和我伔的生活 ...
- Same-Sex Marriage by David E. Newton
- Hispanic American Religious Cultures by Miguel A. De La Torre
- United States West Coast: An Environmental History by Adam Sowards
A wide range of subjects and topics are covered to meet various patron research needs, including substantial offerings in Self-Help, Health & Fitness, Games, Crafts & Hobbies, Medical, Cooking and Religion. This collection also features titles on Recreation and Leisure, Geography, Commerce, Finance, The Family, Marriage, Women, Folklore, Social and Public Welfare, and Home Economics.
- + eBook K-8 Collection
This collection is created for K-8 students and the educators that work with them. It's a cost-effective way for libraries to provide educators with full-text eBook coverage to support their curricula, and is a great complement to other elementary/middle school eBook and database resources.
The eBook K-8 Collection contains over 6,000 titles chosen to support a quality learning experience for K-8 students across all subjects areas taught in elementary and middle schools, and content aligns with Common Core Curriculum Standards (for participating U.S. states). The collection also features a selection of Teacher Resources to support educators and administrators.
- + eBook High School Collection
Designed specifically for high school students and educators, this collection offers an easy, cost-effective way for libraries to provide full-text eBook coverage that aligns with their school's curricula, as well as complement other eBook and database resources from EBSCO.
This package contains more than 5,600 eBook titles that support a quality learning experience across all academic subject areas, from History, to Language & Literature, to Science & Technology. Content includes a selection of classic literary works, important historical documents and general reference materials. The collection also features a selection of Teacher Resources to support educators and administrators. Titles align with Common Core Curriculum Standards (for participating U.S. states)